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Module types




Type aliases

Type aliases

ActivityNftInfo: { chain: string; contractAddress: string; network: string; tokenId: string; userAddress: string }

Type declaration

  • chain: string
  • contractAddress: string
  • network: string
  • tokenId: string
  • userAddress: string
AppCreditInfo: { burnedSupply: number; createdAt: number; maxSupply: number | null; name: string; symbol: string; totalSupply: number }

Type declaration

  • burnedSupply: number

    The amount of credit burned.

  • createdAt: number

    The timestamp of credit creation.

  • maxSupply: number | null

    The max supply of credit.

  • name: string

    The name of credit.

  • symbol: string

    The symbol of credit

  • totalSupply: number

    The total supply of credit.

DailyRewardDetail: {}

Type declaration

EnvType: "dev" | "prod"
ErrorCode: "invalid-argument" | "unauthenticated" | "permission-denied" | "not-found" | "already-exists" | "precondition-failed" | "bad-request" | "forbidden" | "payload-too-large" | "internal" | "unavailable" | "gateway-timeout" | "not-implemented" | "unknown"
History<Type>: {}

Type parameters

  • Type

Type declaration

  • [year: string]: {}
    • [month: string]: {}
      • [date: string]: {}
        • [id: string]: Type
ItemGiveHistory: { appId: string; createdAt: number; id: string; quantity: number; reason?: string; status: ItemGiveStatus; subtype: string; type: string; value: string }

Type declaration

  • appId: string
  • createdAt: number
  • id: string
  • quantity: number
  • Optional reason?: string
  • status: ItemGiveStatus
  • subtype: string
  • type: string
  • value: string
Model: "gpt-4o-mini" | "gpt-4o" | "gpt-4-turbo" | "gpt-4"

Name of the model to use. You can see the OpenAI model overview for description of them. Please note that image-related models are currently not supported.

NftCollections: {}

Type declaration

NftContract: { info: NftContractInfo; tokens: NftTokens }

Type declaration

NftContractBySymbol: { chain: string; contractAddress: string; name: string; network: string; symbol: string }

Type declaration

  • chain: string
  • contractAddress: string
  • name: string
  • network: string
  • symbol: string
NftContractInfo: { chain: string; contractAddress: string; deployAddress: string; lastBlockNumber: number; name: string; network: string; symbol: string; totalSupply: number }

Type declaration

  • chain: string
  • contractAddress: string
  • deployAddress: string
  • lastBlockNumber: number
  • name: string
  • network: string
  • symbol: string
  • totalSupply: number
NftMetadata: { attributes?: object[]; description?: string; image?: string; name?: string }

Type declaration

  • [additionalFields: string]: any

    The additional fields of NFT metadata.

  • Optional attributes?: object[]

    The attributes of NFT.

  • Optional description?: string

    The description of NFT.

  • Optional image?: string

    The image of NFT.

  • Optional name?: string

    The name of NFT.

NftToken: { isBurnt: boolean; metadata: NftMetadata; owner: string; tokenURI: string }

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
  • isBurnt: boolean
  • metadata: NftMetadata
  • owner: string
  • tokenURI: string
NftTokens: {}

Type declaration

QueryParamsWithoutSort: Omit<QueryParams, "sort">
RewardDetail: RewardAmount & { activities?: Activity[] }
ServiceNickname: string | "openai"

Nickname of the service.

UseItemReturnType: { NFT: Promise<string>; NFT_TRAIT: Promise<NftMetadata>; TICKET: Promise<void> }

Type declaration

  • NFT: Promise<string>
  • NFT_TRAIT: Promise<NftMetadata>
  • TICKET: Promise<void>

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