Type aliases Activity Nft Info Activity Nft Info: { chain: string ; contractAddress: string ; network: string ; tokenId: string ; userAddress: string }
Type declaration chain: string contract Address: string network: string token Id: string user Address: string App Credit Info App Credit Info: { burnedSupply: number ; createdAt: number ; maxSupply: number | null ; name: string ; symbol: string ; totalSupply: number }
Type declaration burned Supply: number created At: number max Supply: number | null name: string symbol: string total Supply: number Daily Reward Detail Daily Reward Detail: {}
Env Type Env Type: "dev" | "prod"
Error Code Error Code: "invalid-argument" | "unauthenticated" | "permission-denied" | "not-found" | "already-exists" | "precondition-failed" | "bad-request" | "forbidden" | "payload-too-large" | "internal" | "unavailable" | "gateway-timeout" | "not-implemented" | "unknown"
History History< Type > : {}
Type parameters Item Give History Item
: { appId
: string ; createdAt
: number ; id
: string ; quantity
: number ; reason
?: string ; status
: ItemGiveStatus ; subtype
: string ; type
: string ; value
: string } Type declaration app Id: string created At: number id: string quantity: number Optional reason?: string subtype: string type: string value: string Model Model: "gpt-4o-mini" | "gpt-4o" | "gpt-4-turbo" | "gpt-4"
Nft Collections Nft Collections: {}
Nft Contract By Symbol Nft Contract By Symbol: { chain: string ; contractAddress: string ; name: string ; network: string ; symbol: string }
Type declaration chain: string contract Address: string name: string network: string symbol: string Nft Contract Info Nft Contract Info: { chain: string ; contractAddress: string ; deployAddress: string ; lastBlockNumber: number ; name: string ; network: string ; symbol: string ; totalSupply: number }
Type declaration chain: string contract Address: string deploy Address: string last Block Number: number name: string network: string symbol: string total Supply: number Nft Metadata Nft Metadata: { attributes?: object [] ; description?: string ; image?: string ; name?: string }
Type declaration [ additionalFields: string ]: any Optional attributes?: object [] Optional description?: string Optional image?: string Optional name?: string Nft Token Nft
: { isBurnt
: boolean ; metadata
: NftMetadata ; owner
: string ; tokenURI
: string } Type declaration [ key: string ]: any is Burnt: boolean owner: string tokenURI: string Service Nickname Service Nickname: string | "openai"
Use Item Return Type Use
: { NFT
: Promise < string > ; NFT_TRAIT
: Promise < NftMetadata > ; TICKET
: Promise < void > } Type declaration NFT: Promise < string > TICKET: Promise < void >
The amount of credit burned.