The Ain object for sign and send transaction to AIN blockchain.
The Ainize object for send request to AIN blockchain.
The base url of api server of AINFT Factory.
The subpath of api server request url.
You can add new user's invitation information.
The ID of app.
The ID of invitation event.
The ID of invitation event's task.
The ID of invitee.
The ID of inviter. If you can't identify the inviter, leave blank this.
Array of userIds invited in a short time.
Return InviteInfo object.
Adds persona model to discord channel.
The ID of app.
The ID of persona model.
The name of persona model.
The discord guild ID to which the model will be linked.
The discord channel ID to which the model will be linked.
Connects discord server and AINFT Factory app. A Discord server can only connect to one app.
The ID of app.
The discord guild ID to which app will be linked.
Disconnects persona model with discord channel.
The ID of app.
The discord guild ID to which the model will be disconnected.
The discord channel ID to which the model will be disconnected.
Gets the appId connected with the Discord guild.
The ID of discord guild.
The ID of app.
Returns connected app Id or null.
Get event list connected with the Discord server
The ID of app.
The ID of discord guild.
Returns event list connected discord guild.
Gets tasks connected with discord channel
The ID of app.
The ID of discord guild.
The ID of discord channel.
Returns a map of task IDs for each event ID.
You can get user's invitation information.
The ID of app.
The ID of discord guild.
The ID of invitee.
Return InviteInfo object.
Gets persona model connected with discord channel.
The ID of app.
The discord guild ID to which model was connected.
The discord channel ID to which model was connected.
Gets persona models connected with discord server.
The ID of app.
The discord build ID to which model was connected.
Returns a Map of information about the models linked to each channel in the guild."
Sends request that include form to api server of AINFT Factory. Used to upload asset data.
The method of Http request.
The suffix of request url.
The string fields of form.
The file fields of form.
Returns response of api request.
Sends request to api server of AINFT Factory. Authenticate by signing data.
The method of Http request.
The suffix of request url.
The data to be included in the api request.
Returns response of api request.
Sends request to api server of AINFT Factory. Used when authentication is not required.
The method of Http request.
The suffix of request url.
The data to be included in the api request.
The headers of Http api request.
Returns response of api request.
Sets base url.
New base url to be set to base url of api server of AINFT Factory.
Sign the data with the private key that the user has registered.
The data to sign.
Returns signature string.
Generated using TypeDoc
This class supports the functionality of the AINFT factory for seamless use on Discord.
Do not create it directly; Get it from AinftJs instance.