The Ain object for sign and send transaction to AIN blockchain.
The Ainize object for send request to AIN blockchain.
The base url of api server of AINFT Factory.
The subpath of api server request url.
Adds NFT symbol. You can add NFT to reference in your factory app.
The parameters to add NFT symbol.
Gets NFT symbol list in app.
The parameters to get NFT symbol list in app.
Returns a list of symbols registered in the app.
Gets NFT contract info by symbol.
The parameters to get contract by symbol.
Returns contract information by symbol.
Gets NFT info by network, contractAddress and tokenId. Symbol must be added.
The parameters to get NFT information.
Returns NFT information.
Gets contract info by network and contractAddress. Symbol must be added.
The parameters to get contract information.
Returns contract information.
Get nft list in the collection.
Returns a map of NFTs distinguished by their token IDs.
Gets NFT list by user address.
The parameters to get NFT list user owned.
Returns NFTs owned by the user along with their contract information.
Removes NFT symbol from app.
The parameters to remove NFT symbol from app.
Returns removed contract information.
Sends request that include form to api server of AINFT Factory. Used to upload asset data.
The method of Http request.
The suffix of request url.
The string fields of form.
The file fields of form.
Returns response of api request.
Sends request to api server of AINFT Factory. Authenticate by signing data.
The method of Http request.
The suffix of request url.
The data to be included in the api request.
Returns response of api request.
Sends request to api server of AINFT Factory. Used when authentication is not required.
The method of Http request.
The suffix of request url.
The data to be included in the api request.
The headers of Http api request.
Returns response of api request.
Sets base url.
New base url to be set to base url of api server of AINFT Factory.
Sets managed NFT metadata.
The parameters to set NFT metadata.
Returns set metadata.
Sign the data with the private key that the user has registered.
The data to sign.
Returns signature string.
Generated using TypeDoc
This class allows app to register and manage ETH Contracts. This allows you to enrich tokenomics.
Do not create it directly; Get it from AinftJs instance.